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Flexible Financing

Flexible financing, your way. Own or subscribe with manageable payments - the affordable way to get on the road.

Monthly subscription Cycle to Work partners

  • Made to cycle more

    The Cycle to Work scheme is a UK Government initiative to encourage people to travel to work by bicycle.

  • A great employer

    With Cycle to Work, your employer covers the purchase of a new bike, which you pay back over time in instalments.

  • Built-in convenience

    Categorised as an employee scheme, Cycle to Work can save you up to 40% on a bike and accessories.

How it works

Find your preferred partner from the ones listed below and learn more about how to request a quote, submit it to your employer and be riding your new Cowboy bike with ease. The only hard part will be to pick your favourite model.

Our partners

Find your preferred partner and learn more about how to order your bike.

Any questions? Head to our Frequently Asked Questions.

  1. Get a quote

    Get a personalised quote for the Cowboy bike and accessories you'd like to order.

  2. Get your Cyclescheme certificate

    Use your Cowboy quote to get your Cyclescheme Certificate. Go to Cyclescheme.

  3. Shop and checkout

    When you're ready to purchase your bike, head over to our cart builder where you'll be able to enter your Cyclescheme certificate number and process your order.

  4. Get your Cowboy

    Your bike will be delivered to your door.

Get started
Green Commute Initiative

Green Commute Initiative will cover the price of your Cowboy bike plus any accessories (e.g. rear rack and kickstand).

  1. Request a quote from us via our contact dedicated for the cost of the bike and accessories.
  2. Share the quote with your employer so that they can complete the process with GCI. Once completed, you'll receive a GCI voucher.
  3. Send us the certificate and place your order though this form.
  4. We'll send you a confirmation email once the order has been processed.

Request a quote

Halfords (Cycle2Work)

Halfords (Cycle2Work) will cover the price of your Cowboy bike plus any accessories (e.g. rear rack and kickstand).

  1. Request a quote from us via our dedicated form for the cost of the bike and accessories.
  2. Share the quote with your employer so that they can complete the process with Halfords. Once completed, you'll receive a Cycle2Work Letter of Collection (LOC).
  3. Send us the certificate and place your order through this form.
  4. We'll send you a confirmation email once the order has been processed.

Request a quote


Bike2Work will cover the price of your Cowboy bike plus any accessories (e.g. rear rack and kickstand).

  1. Request a quote from us via our dedicated form for the cost of the bike and accessories.
  2. Share the quote with your employer so that they can complete the process with Bike2Work. Once completed, you'll receive a Bike2Work voucher.
  3. Send us the certificate and place your order through this form.
  4. We'll send you a confirmation email once the order has been processed.

Request a quote

Cycle Solutions

Cycle Solutions will cover the price of your Cowboy bike plus any accessories (e.g. rear rack and kickstand).

  1. Request a quote from us via our dedicated form for the cost of the bike and accessories.
  2. Share the quote with your employer so that they can complete the process with Cycle Solutions. Once completed, you'll receive a Cycle Solutions Letter of Collection.
  3. Send us the LOC and place your order thought this form.
  4. We'll send you a confirmation email once the order has been processed.

Request a quote


Vivup will cover the price of your Cowboy bike plus any accessories (e.g. rear rack and kickstand).

  1. Request a quote from us via our dedicated form for the cost of the bike and accessories.
  2. Go to the Vivup website and add the quote details on the 'Enter Bike Quote' page. You can then submit your bike order on the Vivup website, which will be authorized by your employer.
  3. Vivup will contact us to order the bike on your behalf.

Request a quote

Enjoy Benefits

Enjoy Benefits will cover the price of your Cowboy bike plus any accessories (e.g. rear rack and kickstand).

  1. Request a quote from us via our dedicated form for the cost of the bike and accessories.
  2. Share the quote with your employer so that they can complete the process with Enjoy Benefits.
  3. We will receive an order directly from them via email.

Request a quote

DASH Rides

DASH Rides will cover the price of your Cowboy bike plus any accessories (e.g. rear rack and kickstand).

  1. You can order your Cowboy bike directly on the Dash portal.
  2. We will receive an order directly from them via email. We will process your order, which will be shipped to Dash.
  3. Dash will be in touch with you directly, with regards to the delivery.

Go to the Dash portal


Blike will cover the price of your Cowboy bike plus any accessories (e.g. rear rack and kickstand).

  1. You can order your Cowboy bike directly on the Blike website.
  2. We will receive an order directly from them via email. We will process your order.
  3. Blike will be in touch with you directly, with regards to the delivery.

Go to the Blike website

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Combien pouvez-vous économiser?

Bonne nouvelle : Nous avons trouvé 119 options pour vous

Cliquez ci-dessous pour accéder à un répertoire des subventions.

Voir les options

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Le guide ultime de Cowboy

C'est en route

Votre guide gratuit sera bientôt dans votre boîte mail. (Vérifiez votre dossier spam si vous ne le voyez pas.)

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Nous venons à vous

Essayez l'un de nos vélos pour découvrir comment il correspond à votre style et à votre manière de rider.

Un membre de notre équipe se déplacera jusqu'à vous pour vous faire découvrir une nouvelle manière d'explorer votre ville.

Réservez un essai gratuit

Offre limitée Économisez sur tous les modèles

Offre limitée Économisez sur tous les modèles

Merci de vous inscrire. Utilisez ce code en page de paiement pour obtenir votre réduction.


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